Lean Canvas Workshops


Build. Measure. Learn. All from a single sheet of A4.

A good lean canvas is a startup’s ultimate weapon in building products for a large, growing, easily adoptable market.

Our involvement with Atomic Sky began with the idea of getting external assistance to commercialise products and IP developed in the last 10 years. Initially it meant learning more about the start-up world and methodologies, for example the Lean Canvas approach for evaluating opportunities. Working with Atomic Sky going forward we believe we will enhance our entrepreneurial spirit, enable us to move faster and deploy better products, build tolerance of changing business models, and also create opportunities for partnerships, acquisition, and other ventures.

— Alex Goulios, CSA Global

While it’s easy to scribble some notes on a page, it’s a lot harder to separate fact from opinion when it comes to designing and building a new product. Will our customers like this? Is there room in the market for a new product like this? Does the market even exist?!

Strip away your assumptions about your product, your company, and your market with Atomic Sky’s lean canvas workshop.

We’ll take you through the basics of the lean methodology and introduce you to the lean canvas as your new best friend; a top-down business model on a single page. By the end of the session you’ll have a list of assumptions about your business and a plan of action full of experiments to test those hypotheses. Typically we place the entire focus of the session around the most important person to your business: your customer.

Our lean canvas workshops are suitable for any new product or project, from idea-phase entrepreneurs, all the way up to C-level executives at large organisations.

For more information, drop us a line here:


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