Leadership Breakfast Series: Crowdicity
Earlier this month, Atomic Sky hosted their first event for the returning Leadership Breakfast Series. The morning focused around Crowdicity, an idea management software designed to harness innovation from the crowd.
Atomic Sky welcomed the group of 20, identifying key concepts around idea sourcing and utilising the tools around you.
The group discovered various implementation methods for sourcing innovation. Sam Curtin, APAC Director for Crowdicity, pointed out a key mishap in business innovating.
He said, “one of the funny things about innovation is that many people struggle to define it… It’s quite simple, it’s change that adds value.”
Sam exemplified his work with Virgin, who appeared on AFR’s list of best places to work shortly after Crowdicity was implemented across the company.
Many other large companies were mentioned, with one thing in common- success via Crowdicity. Sam said, “globally, we are seeing companies and governments dramatically magnify their capabilities by tapping into the power of the crowd.”
The diverse corporate group were educated about how to accelerate innovation, and why it’s so crucial.
Reasons for crowd sourcing ideas included:
- Cohesion
- Speed
- Engagement
- Capturing/developing ideas
- Creating a culture of innovation
- Competitive advantage
Sam Curtin giving examples of Crowdicity’s work
Brian Haggerty, VP Innovation Capability at Woodside Energy
Brian Haggerty, VP Innovation Capability at , also spoke to the room about their experience with Crowdicity. He shared his thoughts on how to innovate to gain the upper hand in the market.
He found, “the only competitive advantage is locking something up, being agile… have your great idea and implement it quickly.”
The presentation group had a few questions for both Sam and Brian, asking clever points about logistics, balance of ideas and processes of Crowdicity.