Cross-sector Opportunities Creating Jobs via Quantum Technology Exchange
Accelerating the growth of Western Australia’s space and cross-sector startup field, ten businesses were announced in the third Quantum Technology Exchange program today. Each business has potential global competitive advantage, with innovative products that can solve common supply chain challenges across multiple industries, including the international space sector.
“The opportunity for WA is to create new businesses, jobs and global competitive advantage by facilitating cross cutting technologies from mining, energy and defence, into the space and advanced manufacturing sectors. The circular nature of these opportunities creates advantages, compounding returns and new jobs in all industries. QuantumTX helps facilitate access to multi-sector test sites, specialist sector expertise, technical mentors and international opportunity workshops,” said Quantum Technology Exchange Founder, Adjunct Professor Peter Rossdeutscher
This is the third program in the initiative and has proven successful in technology transfer and creating jobs through business acceleration.
Cumulus Projects
Tap into Safety
Zella DC
Quantify Technology
ACT Australia & NZ
Transforming organisations with the spatial web for connected workers and remote operations.
Online and mobile-friendly training and assessment platform for high-risk industries.
Next-generation server room, micro data centres built for anywhere and making productivity sustainable.
Oily water treatment and PFAS water treatment solution to below detectable levels.
Connected datacentric maintenance lifecycle solution integrating analytics & 3D Visualisation.
Digital LOTO system which reduces plant downtime and eliminates human errors.
Synthetic chemistry solutions addressing waste management with carbon neutral waste conversion tech.
Electrical IoT solutions that help organisations optimise power usage and improve safety.
Industrial live-theatre and film that facilitates a catalyst for people development, skills and safety.
Emergent technologies for advanced analytics and empowered decision making.
QuantumTX WA 2021 is operated by Atomic Sky with support from Innovation Cluster and Imvelo. Partner sponsors are AROSE (Australian Remote Operations for Space & Earth), METS Ignited, Fugro, NERA (National Energy Resources Australia) and The Western Australian Government (New Industries Fund X-TEND WA Program).
Included is a range of masterclasses, corporate speed-dating, mentoring and direct access to experts with experience at NASA, ESA, BHP, Robotics Australia and international organisations. Participants will have the option to test and trial solutions via Atomic Sky at Fugro’s Australian Space Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Control Complex. They will also spend time at the Roy Hill Remote Systems Automation Centre, Woodside Energy Robotics Laboratory and UWA International Space Center.
“Knowing how to position our products into new markets is one of the key reasons we applied to participate in QuantumTX. The Tap into Safety training platform includes over 90 training courses for skills, leadership, safety and mental health, supported by robust assessments and GAP reporting. These apply directly to a range of sectors so the program will be extremely beneficial to expanding our business. Access to the network of business scaleup and international sector experts, we believe, will also be a significant benefit to our planned international sales expansion,” said Dr Susanne Bahn, Founder of Tap into Safety.
“Small & medium businesses can play an important role in scaling the Australian space industry. Australia has great capability in key existing sectors such as resources, energy, communications, medicine and more, and it is these businesses that now have an opportunity to adapt those proven solutions to the needs of the emerging space sector. We encourage programs like QuantumTX, to play a role in creating those connections and opportunities across sectors whilst helping build capabilities” said Karl Rodrigues, Executive Director International and National Engagement at Australian Space Agency.
QuantumTX WA 2021
More information on Quantum Technology Exchange is available at