
Startup thinking workshops for any business large or small

Atomic Sky provides workshops to assist your organisation to innovation the startup way.

Based on all things Lean and Agile, these fun, interactive, and fast paced workshops allow your internal team to learn from some of the best entrepreneurs and innovators Australia has to offer.

Ever wondered how an entrepreneur can create an industry disrupting business with seemingly few resources in only a matter of years. Having your company and staff embrace some startup thinking is a great way to drive forward the cultural change you have been looking for.

Contact us now to start to understand exactly why “startup thinking” is so powerful and can kick start your innovation journey.


    2-day introduction workshop:

    • How to innovate like a startup
    • Design thinking
    • Ideation techniques
    • The Lean Canvas
    • The Business Model Canvas
    • Value Proposition Canvas
    • 1st Customer validation techniques
    • Define your minimum viable/saleable product

    This workshop provides a fantastic base line to empower your staff with the skills required to start to “Innovate like a startup”

    Designed as a hands on, collaborative workshop, to ensure actual outcomes are achieved during the workshops. A pre event briefing is also included to ensure it is aligned to company outputs and challenges.

    $1,950 per staff member: (Minimum 6 people)

    Running October 13 and 14 2016. Contact us to register your interest. Booking details will appear soon……..


    Sessions can be held on your premises or offsite in our Tech Hub co-working space.

    2-Day Intrapreneur development workshop:

    • All things lean – deep dive
    • Building your innovation and governance frameworks
    • Finding your internal supporter base
    • Who really is your customer – internal or external?
    • Taking it to market – gaining traction
    • Next steps – product, service, spin out, or project?
    • Building an internal team with an external focus

    Participants in this session would ideally have already participated in the introdcution workshop or have prior startup experience.

    Designed to support the entrepreneurship process with an internal company lens. Not sure what to do with the creators or special projects people in your organisation, then this is a perfect workshop to support these staff.

    Contact Us for pricing and further details.

    Pitch to us

    Let us know why your company should be a big part of our startup studio.